The rates offered by the manufacturers in purchase and lease are updated automatically but the regular bank rates must be added manually. Here are the steps to follow to configure them. Note that this configuration will apply to all users.

1. In Management / Rate adjustment. Choose your default banks for new and used vehicles. These banks will appear by default in the quotation but another bank can be selected if necessary.

2. Select Finance or Lease at the top left of the screen depending on what you want to configure.

3. Finance; Use the drop-down menus to increase your basic rates for new and used vehicles.

4. Lease; you can increase your Base Rates here.

5. Click Bank rates at the top of the screen. Choose the bank by clicking on its name. In the center of the window, on the left, click in the Lower and upper bounds boxes. A drop-down menu allows you to choose the amounts ($) from, up to. For example one could say from $ 5,000 up to $ 9,999 the rate will be 7.99% and the next line could be selected from $ 10,000 up to $ 14,000 the rate will be 6.99% etc. This configuration is available on the right side for used vehicles. You can also use the Copy the brackets and rates to the used for this bank button on the bottom left to add these rates for used vehicles. They can also be entered manually as for new vehicles. Under the rates for used vehicles you can Select maximum terms per model year.

Choose another financial institution and repeat the previous steps to set up your favorite banks.